Update Surveys

We can return to site and update surveys to reflect subsequent changes as and when required. When carrying out topographical surveys our surveyors generally establish plenty of site control (particularly away from the working area), that can be used later to re-establish on site to the original site datum & grid. This is also helpful to the site contractors as datum / reference points in more secure areas. Permanent Ground Markers (PGMs) / Earth Anchors can also be installed if required.

We can attend site and update surveys carried out by others, if required, by utilizing their site control, using survey station data as provided by the client. In certain cases the control may have been destroyed by site activity etc.. If this is the case, we will do our best to help, by utilizing GPS equipment or resurveying points of detail as required.

We are often asked to return to site to carry out update surveys, where material is constantly being moved to the site, for example; quarries & land-fill sites, and also construction sites where new site levels have been established

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